Public Health Storytelling

Public Health affects every member and every part of a society; citizens, visitors, commerce, education, public and private organisations. A healthy population benefits economy and cultural life. Which is why contributions to public health have huge returns on investment. And while healthcare is mainly the domain of doctors, nurses and other medical personal, everyone and every organisation can contribute to public health. Public health not only aims to ensure that healthcare is accessible to everyone, but is mostly about preventing disease and promoting health. 
Not every organisation that can make a difference in public health, is aware of their potential. This is where storytelling comes in. Storytelling can help to understand technically complex issues. It can make people aware of unknown views and discover new perspectives. Most of all, it helps bring different stakeholders closer together around a shared vision.
On this page we share some examples of our work.

Perspectives on Vaccination

Vaccine manufacturer MSD asked us to edit an evidence-based overview of essential topics for vaccination policy. Transmissible provided not only scientific editorial support but added a storytelling approach to provide policymakers with an easy-to-grasp analogy to communicate the importance of vaccination to all of their stakeholders. Understanding how vaccines work, and how they are developed, produced and distributed often requires a lot of technical explanations. With a comic-book storytelling approach, we facilitate this communication. Perspectives on Vaccination was edited by Arnold Bosman and illustrated by Jordan Collver and Gabrielle Wharton. The book was published by MSD Belgium.
(Some websurf-protection tools block access to the above content. If you can't see the interactive book above, try this link)

The perception of Vaccination

We created a webinar series on Vaccination, covering 35 micro-learning video lectures and three webinars. Video lectures are relatively easy learning tools, as you can watch them at a time when it suits you most. Webinars are more challenging, as you have to prioritise the time in your busy schedule. And what if it turns out to be a waste of your time?
To convey the importance of the subject matter, we created 1-minute animated video invitations, to make participants aware of the topic, and how it would affect them as professionals. This turned out to be a success, and the participation to the webinars was maximal. Here is an example of such a 1-minute story we created, courtesy of MSD Vaccins, France:

We created a webinar series on Vaccination, covering 35 micro-learning video lectures and three webinars. Video lectures are relatively easy learning tools, as you can watch them at a time when it suits you most. Webinars are more challenging, as you have to prioritise the time in your busy schedule. And what if it turns out to be a waste of your time?
To convey the importance of the subject matter, we created 1-minute animated video invitations to make participants aware of the topic and how it would affect them as professionals. This was a success, and participating in the webinars was maximal. Here is an example of such a 1-minute story we created, courtesy of MSD Vaccins, France:

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