E-learning, Training Materials and Blends
Several excellent online resources are available for the European professional in disease prevention and control. International public organisations offer free online courses, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Transmissible has developed E-courses, such as 'Estimating Burden of Seasonal Influenza' for the World Health Organisation, and microlearning for corporate clients.
Online and distance self-learning provides much-added value in transferring knowledge. However in order to be successful, often a combination of E-learning and interaction with peers and supervisors is required.
If you consider creating an E-course for your public health staff, contact Transmissible for a free talk, to explore options. Without obligations. We are happy to discuss with you how we can help you create effective training materials, E-courses and blended learning. The knowledge and experience that Transmissible can share with you, will help you design and develop better E-learning solutions for your target audience. Arnold Bosman has been leading the ECDC Virtual Academy project as a business owner, from the Strategy Definition to the successful launch of the first ECDC E-course on Scientific Abstract Writing. Together with an international network of specialists in education, we will add value to your E-learning project.
Transmissible offers also on-site training to blend with existing online learning resources.
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