Event "Post Mortems" - Evaluate your Outbreak!
How frequent do you organise an evaluation of a public health task? What is your view on learning the organisational lessons of an outbreak investigation? What would you think if Transmissible drops by one afternoon to support your team evaluating a public health event?
Event Post Mortems
Outbreak investigations typically are inter-organisational and interdisciplinary responses to a health crisis. Such teams work under pressure of time, media attention en often public and political scrutiny.
Typically, the response rarely goes according
to plan. Each outbreak investigation offers a perfect opportunity to learn how to improve your public health crisis response protocols. Yet equally typically, we rarely invest one single day to perform a systematic evaluation to draw those lessons learnt and draw an action plan for improvement.
Well, we have an offer you can't refuse. Transmissible supports you with an effective, collaborative and fun process for a 'post mortem' of an outbreak investigation. If you wish, we'll coordinate the entire process. The experience and insights of all stakeholders involved will be brought together around one table. At the end of the day, an action plan for future improvement is ready to be submitted for your approval. And in the process, all members of the outbreak team have gotten closer together, with a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of such crisis collaboration. You will notice the improvement during the next outbreak response!
Contact us with the form below for a free and more detailed offer of our services.
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